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What do you think of our pension fund? Tell it! Published: 15-05-2024 Pension fund SABIC (SPF) regularly conducts a satisfaction survey. Your opinion is important to SPF. Let us know what goes well and what can be done better. With your feedback services can be further improved. Can you help by completing the survey? 

everyone-is-on-their-phones.jpg (71 KB)

How to participate?

Around May 15, you will receive an email from MWM2 with a personal link to the survey. Participants for whom we do not have an email address will receive the invitation by post. Completing it takes about 7 minutes. You can participate until June 2, 2024. The answers will be treated in strict confidence and anonymously by MWM2. 

Information about the results 

Later this year, SPF will inform you about the results of the survey. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Your opinion counts!
I read the SPF Newsletter (published 4 times a year) .....