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Message from the social partners: Our pension: what is going to change? Published: 13-06-2024


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Message from the social partners:
Our pension: what is going to change?

We are getting new rules for pension in the Netherlands. You will soon have your own pension pot. This will show you exactly how much money you and your employer put into your pension. You can also clearly see how much the pension fund earns for you by investing your pension money.

Pension is going to move more easily along with the economy

With the new rules, the exact amount of pension you will receive when you stop working is not fixed in advance. Because your pension will soon move along more easily with the economy. It can go up earlier if the economy is doing well. But the pension can also go down when the economy gets worse, just like now. But we will make sure your pension does not move up and down too much. And also important: those movements get smaller as you get older. The closer you get to retirement, the more precisely you know how much money you can count on. We assume that the chance of a better pension will be higher later on.

What will not change?

Not everything will change. We will keep the strong points of the current pension. We will continue to arrange our pension together. So we will continue to share the costs and the main risks with each other. What will not change either: later on, too, everyone will receive a State Pension benefit from the government, in addition to the pension you build up through SABIC. And later too: you will receive a pension for as long as you live, even if you live to be 120 years old. So you do get your own pension pot, but it cannot run out. Even if you get very old. So we keep what is good, and adjust what needs improving.  


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