We told you earlier that we are working on a new pension. But who are actually in charge of that? That is simple: pension is a condition of employment. And so the employer SABIC and the trade unions decide on that together. At SABIC, the following trade unions are at the table during talks on the new pension scheme: FNV, CNV Vakmensen, De Unie, Synergo-VHP and Vakbond ABW. So employees are well represented!
Not only the trade unions themselves have a say. Their members can also give their opinions. If the employer and the trade unions agree on a new pension scheme, the trade unions start talking to their constituency. Only when the trade union members agree to the negotiation result, the new pension scheme is final.
SABIC pensioners can also give their opinions. Retired trade union members can, of course, do so through their union. Other pensioners can let the employer and trade unions know what they think of the plans through the Pensioners' Association.
In this way, together we ensure that the new SABIC pension has enough support. Because our pension belongs to all of us!